In recent months due to the impact of the Coronavirus restrictions, many surfers, families, and surfskate enthusiasts have discovered how great SmoothStar is for on-land surf training. Subsequently, orders of all of our products have increased significantly.
To meet this demand, SmoothStar has increased production three times, however, due to the complex nature and unique components used in SmoothStar, production times are 3-4 months. This has caused a huge backlog in orders which we are currently processing.
We want you to have your SmoothStar as soon as possible. Our best advice is to pre-order from our website. You can also contact any of our retailers listed on our website and be added to their waiting lists.
For estimated product availability and timelines, please check the complete SmoothStar product pages on our website for the SmoothStar that you are after. At this time, we are unable to sell SmoothStar decks or wheels separately.
For all pre-orders, SmoothStar Support will periodically update you via email on any changes to the published delivery timeline.
We thank you for your patience and continued support.